NPRCC Joins Coalition Encouraging Department of Labor Review of “Shared Savings Fees” Under Employee-Sponsored Health Plans. — The National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce

NPRCC Joins Coalition Encouraging Department of Labor Review of “Shared Savings Fees” Under Employee-Sponsored Health Plans.

Washington D.C. - December 15th, 2022 - The overall cost of healthcare continues to cripple America's businesses and employees, this is why The National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce (NPRCC) was supportive when Congress passed the "No Surprises Act" to establish new federal protections for patients against surprise medical bills.

Unfortunately for Americans whom it claimed to benefit, however, the law has yet to be implemented in a way to protect patients and businesses alike from continued unnecessary insurance costs. It seems some insurance companies are using "shared savings fees" to their benefit to drive up costs for employers and employees.

The NPRCC joined other Chamber of Commerce on a coalition letter that encourages the Department of Labor (DOJ) to review these so-called “shared savings fees" under employer-sponsored health plans to better understand their propriety and impact on millions of Americans.

There is an opportunity to use the "No Surprises Act" for what it was intended for - to lower or remove fees for Americans and increase transparency in health plans.
